It's A Boy!

Today was the biggest day of the pregnancy yet in my opinion. As can be seen above…. gut feelings and old wives tales, have got nothing on Mother Nature, IT’S A BOY! Emily said from the second she saw the first images of the anatomical ultrasound she knew. She put on a big smile, like a trooper….but it is no secret that she wanted a little girl to play tea party with!! Sex of the baby aside, we really did get exactly what we both wanted, a healthy little baby who is in the 68th percentile in anatomical dimensions and weight. Below the little man is just not ready to show his face yet. The doctor did mention that the ultrasound tech noted that there was a amniotic fold in the sac, but it was not endangering the baby and they are going to take another look at it in 4 weeks....meaning that Em and I get another look at the little mister in less than a month!! :)

The 20 week Ultrasound!!!!

The $64, 00 dollar question will finally be answered tomorrow at 10:00AM Eastern "are we having a little girl.....or a little boy". Tuesday morning Emily and I will go to the ultrasound appointment she has been waiting for with baited breath. She really tried hard to get an ultrasound out of her doctor before Christmas, (she dumped herself onto her tush in the icy parking lot in front of Steak-and-Shake) but they simply felt around on her a bit and listened to the babe's heartbeat with the Doppler (all was well BTW). Emily REALLY wants a girl, I am leaning towards a girl myself just because of all the wonderful little girl cousins I grew up with. But a boy would be awesome as well. We have the names picked out (spellings aside) and that blog will be forthcoming I’m sure! In the meantime throw out your guesses in the poll above this post!!

Maternity Clothes Shopping

On December 23rd Nathan and I headed to Columbus on a shopping trip (after his follow-up Dr's appointment) to pick up last minute gifts and maternity clothes. I had to face the truth....if I didn’t get some new pants soon I was not going to have anything to wear! So we go into a Maternity Clothes of those higher end ones…you know the ones that offer you juice and water and follow you around asking if you need anything! I tried on tons of pants and even a pretend big belly to give me the real idea of what I would look like near the end of the pregnancy. So much fun! We then headed over to Old Navy where we hit the motherload sale at 60% off all maternity clothes. I piled Nathan’s arms full of pants and tops…needless to say I have plenty of clothes to last me awhile!

Thanks sweety for being so patient and supportive

Baby Bump!

As I approach the 20 week mark I have finally noticed the infamous “baby bump” beginning to show. A couple of the girls in the family (Stephanie and Heather) are also pregnant and further along in their pregnancies than I am, so naturally I want to ask them a million questions since they have recently been in my shoes. I asked Heather (who is 11 weeks further along than me) when she first noticed her belly had began to show and she told me I would just wake up one morning and it would be there. I was in utter disbelief until last week when it really did happen over night! Maternity clothes shopping here we come!

Christmas Card 2008

Hope everyone enjoys a wonderful holiday with family and friends.


Nate, Em and Baby

Back in Action

5 weeks ago me…the indestructible titan of pain tolerance was felled to his knees by a tiny pinched nerve in my back. I have suffered contusions, broken bones, and stitches all over my person, but nothing compares to the helplessness I felt when every task in my normal daily routine became heuristic. All of a sudden I went from being the workhorse, go-to man, Big Nate----to being waited on hand and foot (literally Emily had to put my socks on for me) by Emily. Turns out I had re-injured an old high school injury and taken it to the Nth degree by totally blowing out a disc in my back, leaving a prune sized section of disc compressing my L5 S1 Sciatic nerve. After three weeks of pain, percocet, and boredom, I finally went to surgery. Today, exactly 2 weeks after surgery I am back at work full time (usually after this particular surgery a patient is off an additional 4-6 weeks before returning to work). Granted I am taking it easy and doing only sedentary work, but that is no different from my workload before the surgery….what can I say, I am a research scientist, we do a lot of butt sitting in my business!!! If the surgery had to happen (which it obviously did) there could not have been a better time. We were in a lull at work so I really did not miss anything (besides the paycheck of course), Emily was able to take care of me even though she is pregnant, she is just now beginning to get the baby bump, and she has yet to gain a pound. If the situation would have waited even another month to present itself things may not have worked out as peachie keen as they have. Emily thinks I am crazy to be so happy to be going back to work, but 5 long weeks of daytime television can do serious things to the gray matter. Long story long I am officially Back in Action.

15 Weeks and Counting

Dr Visit December 2nd:

This morning was another Dr. visit and I was so thankful to hear the baby's heartbeat once more on the doppler...this always puts my worries aside. I found out that the Ultrascreen testing came back completely normal so more good news....of course this isn't 100% accurate but pretty close (Down Syndrome: 5% false positive rate and Trisomy 18: 1% false positive rate).

My next apt/ultrasound is Dec 30th and we will get to find out the gender of the baby!!! I can't hardly wait!