Chapman Family Night Out - Feb 18, 2011

On Friday night we all met in Columbus for a much needed family dinner followed by bowling. We all had a great time and hope to do more of this in the near future.

I'll try to get Lynne's pictures too and post the group pics...

Playground Time Once Again - 2/16/11

The weather was finally around a decent temperature to take Hunter outside to play so after work I decided to take him straight to the park for some much needed play time. Hunter's face lit up in excitement the minute we got there.

Feeding the cat

Note to self: It is not a good idea to show Hunter how to feed the cat.

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day from our house to yours...

This is my favorite!

Enjoying Valentine's Day Goodies

Daddy holding up the Valentine's Day Card that Hunter & I made him - it's hard to see but it has Hunter's hand prints making a heart in the middle

Hunter opening up his goodies from Mommy & Daddy-
He got a Fraggle Rock DVD, An Elmo Book, Strawberry Marshmallows, a small heart lunchbox with a cookie and a pink sucker inside.

Of course he went straight for the sucker :)

And later that night before bed we enjoyed reading his new Elmo book

A Valentine from Lexi

Hunter received a special valentine in the mail from Lexi
(cousin in Minessota that he adores)

and what a cutie she is - pictured above

he was so excited!

Lexi here is Hunter's attempt to blow you a kiss as his thank-you!
(sorry for the stained candy face)

A Valentine's Package from Grams & Gramps

Hunter LOVES to receive little packages in the mail so he was very excited to recieve this Valentine's Day one from Grams & Gramps...

Look Mommy a sucker! He was so excited he couldn't get it open fast enough.

Later that evening we went to visit with Grams & Gramps and he got more goodies ;)

This ping pong board was a big hit! (Fuzzy Picture but you get the idea)

A new sippy cup...

Thank you Grams & Gramps - you spoil this little one too much!

Valentine's Day Party Loot

I heard Hunter had a great time at his Valentine's Day Party!
He came home with all kinds of goodies too...

Ready for the Valentine's Day Party

Valentine's Day Party Prep

Hunter's Valentine's Day Cards:
For Hunter's Valentine's Party we made red chocolate covered popcorn for all the kiddos....

Hunter taste testing just to make sure its good :) while Daddy helps fill the treat bags...

A close up of the popcorn

The treat bags & Hunter's Valentine Cards