
I'm definitely not one for change but I decided to apply for another job (at the same university I work for) and ended up getting the job....long story short I took the job offer! I'm overly excited about the new opportunity I've been given but also frightened inside of all the changes. I began my new job yesterday and love where I'm at, the people I work with and what I'm doing so no complaints here.
So....I thought since I've taken this leap of change (which not me) I decided that I also need to take the advice of a fellow blogger on changing things as a parent. She quotes Anna Quindlen (Loud and Clear [2004], 10-11):
"The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make...
I did not live in the moment enough.
I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less"
She talks about how she looks at an old picture of her children taken on a summer day and that she wishes she could remember what they ate, what they talked about, how they sounded, and how they slept that night. She wished that she wouldn't have been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing....dinner, bath, bed, etc. so I'm taking her advice on changing to be a better parent as well. Even though I take a lot of time with Hunter I do have that check off list in my mind on all the things that need done and often don't enjoy things to the fullest. I not only want to take time to enjoy every precious moment with Hunter but with Nathan too. So if it takes us getting up from dinner and letting the dishes set for a couple hours just to go push Hunter in the swing or watch the boys play golf in the front yard I will do that, if it takes putting off cleaning for another day just to set and play with toys, read a book or cuddle I will do that because I know children grow to fast and I want to be able to look back and have no regrets on these precious moments with my family.

All About Hunter - June 2011

Favorite Food

Not a lot has changed here - he still likes pretty much the same things...

chocolate milk
green beans
blue Popsicles

New Words/Phrases

I scared
Oh My God!/Gosh!
It's good/It's so good
oopsy daisy
pow-pow (kinda old but still uses alot)

Favorite Toys -

Since its summer Hunter is just loving to be outside playing with his power wheels and water table. He also still enjoys riding on daddy's tractor and playing golf in the front yard.


Hunter is going through a "scared" phase - where he will tell us that he is scared at various times so to try and help him through this I bought him the FP seahorse that glows and sings when it is dark. So far he loves it and calls it his baby.

We plan on converting his crib this week so that he can feel more like a "big boy" and to also help him enjoy being in his bed more (since the scared phase he prefers to sleep with us so its been a little trying at times to get him to go to bed)

We are in full potty training mode - Hunter is doing really well so far. I plan to change him into pull-ups this week or next to see if that helps even more. For now were just trying to potty all the time :)

He is starting to want to talk on the telephone more and more each day - Grams will call and he says "My turn"

Family Time

Hunter, Lincoln & Noah - Having fun in their dress clothes!

(Thanks Levi for the great picture and for all your help watching all three of them at once!)

Fun in the backyard -

The boys catching lightening bugs

Playing the Piano Together

GGPA with the boys:

The girls (most of us):

Heather & Lincoln (How adorable are they???)

Texas girls with Grandpa-

Grandpa with his boys (Ron, Mike, Joe, Grandpa & Marty)-

Playing in the "famous" gold bowl -

I believe all the Chapman kids/grandkids have taken a turn in it at some time in their life

The boys enjoying a yummy sugar cookie-

Making Cheerio necklaces

Melissa & Lincoln

Father's Day 2011

Happy Father's Day Daddy -

and Happy Father's Day to our Father's -

My Father - whom I couldn't live without - we share many interests and am blessed to have such a great relationship with him (even though I think he likes Nate better than me...just kidding?? but then again maybe not...ha..ha..ha..). He is a one-of-a-kind perfectionist, he has been there through everything and surprises me from time to time with the sweet unexpected things he does (He was with Nate & I when I miscarried and had to have surgery, he comes over on surprise visits and I always love when he does something special for my mom on his own) - I love him and treasure him more than he'll ever know.

Nate's Father - such a special person in our lives - he is always there to guide, help and pray with us when we need him. At times I'll find him over at our house working away on things like the septic, electric or whatever else we may need - he cares so much about all of his children and has set such an example for us on how to live life to the fullest and honor God in doing so. He may favor Hunter over both of us (ha..ha...laughing but true!) but he means the world to us and we love him dearly.

Above: Grandpa Chapman (Nate's Dad), Nate, Hunter & Gramps Canode (My Dad). We were all able to get together as a family for a nice Father's Day Dinner -

And last but not least is Grandpa Chapman (Nate's Father's Father) whom we adore. From the moment I was introduced to him years ago I knew that Nate valued him highly and looked up to him in all he does. He always refers to Nate as his "buddy" and I'm so glad they have that special relationship with one another. I'm looking forward to him, Nate and Hunter spending time together fishing soon....we love you Grandpa!

In Memory of Grandma/GGMa

Grandma Chapman (Nate's Grandma) passed away June 16, 2011. Grandma was such a wonderful woman and we are so grateful that we were a part of her life. We will truly miss you Grandma.

Random Pictures

Hunter Loves his Juice :)

Hunter's new "fake" smile -

Hunter - sleeping in Mommy & Daddy's bed -

note that there is no room for Mommy which is usually the case.

Hunter & JR watching Daddy mow the lawn -

Hunter loves daddy's mower

Fishing June 2, 2011

Since it was nice out we decided to take the boat out for the evening.

As it turned out there was this guy named Don fishing who really wanted to let Hunter reel in his fish since he had never done that before -

Hunter's 1st Fish

Hunter had so much fun reeling in the fish - what a great night!

Camping Indoors - Memorial Day Wknd

For Memorial Day weekend I thought it would be fun to go camping but since we couldn't do that with Nathan having to work I set up the tent in the basement and we did our own version of camping -

We made some yummy trail mix for snack -

We grabbed a good book to read in the tent...

We rented "How to train your Dragon" and watched it on our home theater movie screen in the basement while we snuggled in the tent, ate some snacks and then fell asleep.

I put glow in the dark stars above the tent (and didn't put the rain guard over the tent so you could see the stars while laying in the tent) for a touch of the outdoors but we still haven't been able to enjoy them since we fell asleep - I left the tent up so we can maybe do it again this weekend - all in all it was something fun and different.

Happy 2nd Birthday Hunter

The night before Hunter's Birthday we made cookies for Hunter to take to the babysitters but it turned out that Hunter got sick with a temp of 102 and had to stay home on his birthday. I felt so bad for him that he didn't feel well but we still tried to make the most of of his birthday.

Blue "H"'s b/c he loves the color blue...


We played in the sandbox

We flew Daddy's remote control helicopter:

We ate Popsicles and swang:

Daddy came home just a little early and we went golfing to try out Hunter's new "real" clubs he got for his birthday and this adorable golf towel that Jeremy & Sarah got for him - and even better Jeremy was able to join us!

Daddy & Hunter's Clubs :)

Thought we would take a cute picture by the #2 hole in honor of Hunter's 2nd Birthday

Daddy, Hunter & Jeremy (Hunter adores Jeremy)

Time to put our clubs away -

After golfing we went to Pizza Hut for Hunter's favorite meal but he wasn't feeling well and fell asleep on the way there :(

When we got home we went on a tractor ride and was even able to set on the neighbors big tractor which Hunter just loves.

At home we had cake & ice cream to celebrate and opened the presents that he didn't get to open at his party

Hunter wasn't too interested in the cards

Hunter got a tire swing and glider for his playset and Daddy was able to temporarily hang the tire swing up in the basement that night for Hunter to try it out - he loved it!