Trick or Treat Night & Party at Grams & Gramps 10/27/11

Grams - The Hostess for the Halloween Party (Above)
Me, Daddy & Hunter all dressed up for Trick-Or-Treating -

and were off....

It was absolutely freezing outside but we still ended up having a great evening with everyone!

Pumpkin Carving

This is as close as Hunter came to the Pumpkin "guts" - he didn't even want it touching his arms - what a silly boy!

The coast is clear daddy went to the bathroom - Grab the pumpkin carver - if it looks sounds like a power tool then we must use it! :)

The finished product (dual sides):

Daddy's side of the Pumpkin -

Mommy & Hunter's side of the Pumpkin :)

Now it's time for some yummy caramel apples...

Halloween Treats 2011

After Trick-or-Treat Hunter and I spent the evening putting together goody bags for his Daycare Party -

Hunter thought he would help best by modeling the spooky glasses :)
Hmmm....Maybe purple?

After he helped fill all the little bags we moved on to making sugar cookies.....

Mommy's Plan: To make cute little pumpkin cookies like we did last year for Hunter's Party

Hunter's Plan: To make the cookies by himself and to make the biggest mess possible

The Outcome - We have really flat hard sugar cookies (that don't look much like pumpkins) that are not as cute as last year and no way can I send these to his party but that's okay because he had a blast making them :)

Trick or Treat - Uptown Area Business 10/25/11

Ready to go Trick-or-Treating:

What a fun night!

Cade's 2nd Birthday Party

Cade's 2nd Birthday was held at Sweet Apple Farm:

We roasted hotdogs and marshmellows -

Chad, Cade & Sarah

The Hayride to see the cows

Thanks Rist Family for a wonderful day at the farm! Happy Birthday Cade!