ABC's - 11/8/11

Nate & I were hanging an ABC picture in Hunter's playroom and I was telling Hunter what the picture was (I have been trying for months to get him interested in his ABC's) and then he blurts out half of the alphabet! Nate and I looked at each other like WHAT he knows them! That little booger has been paying attention but just too shy to repeat them I guess. We got him to go through most of them so I'm not sure if he knows all of them but he definitely knows more than half.

Puss-in-Boots 3D - November 6, 2011

Hunter seemed to be very bored this weekend while we were trying to get work done around the house so on Sunday we decided to go to the movies...

This was Hunter's 1st 3D Movie and he did great!

This is the one and only picture Daddy let me take in the theater...above

Afterwards he had to take a quick motorcycle ride before dinner (of course they put these things right outside the exit door)