Dr Appt & 2nd Ultrasound


October 21st

My Dr Appt turned out to be really good...I got to meet the new female Dr and just love her! I told her I was worried because my "morning sickness" was easing up and some cramping had began so I asked if it was normal. She decided to send me over for an ultrasound just to make sure things were okay. I was so relieved to find out that baby is growing as it should and its little heartbeat is now even stronger at 176 bpm! The only disappointment was that hubbie wasn't with me to share in the excitement. I told him he didn't have to come along since this was just a general check up . Needless to say he is now coming to the rest of the appointments just in case this happens again!

Pickle Craving

Pickles...my craving of all time!

I now understand what it means when you get pregnant and crave something out of the blue. You think about a certain food night and day and can't hardly stand it until you have consumed it. We went on vacation the week of August 21st and by Thursday evening I was craving pickles so bad I couldn't take it any longer. After calling every sub place next to our hotel to try and get the jumbo deli pickle and not succeeding I made poor hubbie run me down the street in the pouring rain to a local grocery store just so I could purchase a large jar of pickles. He's such a trooper! Needless to say I ate most of the jar (5 I think)!

Morning Sickness

Why do they call it morning sickness if it lasts all day and all night?

October 2nd

I have read in many mommy-to-be books that if your mother didn't get morning sickness chances are you won't either. So, I of course talked to my mom and she told me she didn't get it until her 5th month so I'm thinking I'm home free for at least 5 months. WRONG!!!

Morning sickness (all day sickness) is simply defined as the worst thing possible. I feel nauseous all day and then when I get home and think I can lay down and relax it gets worse. Eating feels like a chore and I often wonder where did my appetite go for food? I love food and I can't hardly bring myself to eat anything. To top the morning sickness off I came down with a cold and feel absolutely miserable. Nathan, bless his heart has been so sweet and patient with me. Thank you honey!

OB Appointment


October 15th

I wasn't sure what exactly to expect from an OB Appointment but found out very quickly that this was the boring appointment where they ask you every possible question. You know the ones you really should know but sometimes you don't:

Do you or anyone in your family have....
Have you had this shot...
Have you been around any chemicals...

and the list goes on and on. Overall it was a good appointment and I got to take home a packet of information to read on the babies future developments.

Ultrasound #1

Ultrasound: The most amazing thing to me so far

October 1st (1:15pm)

Nathan and I headed to the doctors office hoping to see our little one and to see a possible due date. The ultrasound picture was a little hard for us to make out since the little one was in the corner and not cooperating but we saw the so called "flutter" which indicates the heartbeat and then was amazed when the ultrasound technician flipped on the machine and we could actually hear the little ones heart beating at 122 bpm! My reaction to all of this is "Are you sure there's not two in there????" (my thoughts: Please let there be two in there...I won't have to do this again) The technician quickly informed me that we would be able to see and hear its little heartbeat as well so I accepted that twins are definitely out and was so very thankful to see our little one. Due Date: May 23, 2009

HCG Levels

Who knew how a simple thing like HCG levels could tell you how your babies developing?

For those of you who know me...you know that I have had two miscarriages this past year so when your pregnant for the 3rd time you worry from the time you see the positive test up until every DR Appt to know whether or not everything is okay. The DR suggested we monitor my HCG Levels in order to determine if this pregnancy was a go. For those of you who do not know these usually double in a 24 hour period (but also may take up to 72 hours):

Appointment #1 (Sept 11th) HCG Level: 46.2
Appointment#2 (Sept 13th) HCG Level: 153.49
Appointment#3 (Sept 15th) HCG Level: 255.61 Didn't double :(
Appointment#4 (Sept 17 th) HCG Level: 580.52

After all of these blood tests my arm is bruised and I am so sick of needles but at least I know that baby is developing as it should. I'm so relieved and thankful but still worried as usual.

We're Pregnant!

September 11, 2008

I got up this morning and just couldn't take it anymore so I decided to take the at home pregnancy test and was quite a shock when the line came across that I was pregnant. (I had taken a test a week before and it was negative so I thought for sure I wasn't pregnant.) Of course I couldn't believe the test so I called the DR to get a blood test to confirm. A few hours later...its confirmed I'm officially pregnant!!!