Weekend in Review 3/26-27/11

Since Nathan is working so much during the weekends I am trying to take more and more pictures of Hunter so that he doesn't miss a thing...here is the weekend recap:

We played at the indoor playground at our local mall to run off some energy:

We cleaned the house (Hunter is such a good helper - he loves to sweep and help dust):

All done :)

We learned to multi-task (talk on phone, serve tea and shine our head light)

We helped JR play with his toys (YUCK!.....I know most mom's would be like "Get that out of your mouth!" and instead I'm running for my camera lol)

We discovered daddy's "Golf Magazine" and we were so excited!

"Look Mom that's Tiger Woods"

And lastly we learned how to golf while trying to keep up with potty training :)


Just want to jot this down as a memory to remember-

When Nathan and I decided to begin trying to have a baby I can remember him saying "Oh I hope we have a little boy that will play golf with me" .....well let me just say his dream has come true and we have one little obsessed golfer in our house :)

Morning - Noon & Night all Hunter wants to say is "My Club, My Club" and when he gets it he says "My Ball, My Ball"...after he has those two precious items we go on to "Daddy's Club, Daddy's Ball, etc"

He takes a club everywhere - restaurants, grocery stores, you name it a club has gotta come with us :)

How many golf clubs does he own?

WAY TOO MANY!!!! He has 5 Kiddie sets plus a few spare clubs that were bought here and there and Daddy has plans to get him a "real" set for his upcoming birthday....oh no! watch out world these ones aren't plastic and can be dangerous :)

Easter Outfit Choices

I found some adorable Easter outfit options this past weekend at Old Navy :) I think we'll also end up using these for a family photo and for summer golf outings...since someones obsessed with golf!
Option #1:

OPTION #2 (& the one we picked):

Adorable :)

Option #3 (& were keeping this hat too):

Someone really got into posing and was showing off towards the end :)

Post it Flags

Post it Flags - Great for Toddlers :)



Grams & Hunter enjoying suckers at breakfast :)

In Memory of Foxy

Foxy Baby Girl passed away on Friday March 18th around 3:30 pm and she will be sadly missed. She has had congestive heart failure for years and we think her heart just couldn't take it anymore. For those that are familiar with Foxy know that she was a very pampered pet that had big birthday parties and was not only spoiled by gifts but also had a seat at the dinner table on holidays too. She was part of our family and will always be remembered. She would have been 14 this July 5th.

Happy St. Patricks Day 2011

Happy Birthday JR - 3/17

JR when he was just a puppy -

Of course we had a birthday party at home for him-

His mini "party" was complete with a new ball, an extra large bone and some playtime in the yard :)

All About Hunter March 2011

Favorite Toys -
wooden spoons - obsessed!
"pretend bake" cookies and pizza
balls of all kinds and golf clubs of course
hammer and screwdriver

Loves Popsicles and asks for them all the time
Cheeseburgers from Mcdonald's
Sausage mcmuffins from Mcdonald's
**I promise I don't only feed him Mcdonald's :)
Mac & Cheese

New Words/Phrases-
Ahh Boo (new way of saying I love you)
Owie (when something hurts)
Any Kind of Tool - Hammer, Wrench, Screwdriver, etc.
Grandma - began saying 3/13 (Finally - I thought I was never going to get him to say it)
He's beginning to repeat just about anything and talks all the time :)

New Things-
*Recognizes the #2
*Recognizes both grandpa's as "Papa's" in person and in pictures
*Not so much new but want to mention how Hunter is so much like his Daddy - Nathan has always said..."when us kids woke up in the middle of the night all we would have to do is say "Mom...Juice" and here would come Mom with a cold glass of juice...like father like son...when Hunter gets up in the middle of the night or in the morning...."Juice" is usually the first thing I hear
*He understands what belongs to him and what belongs to Mommy & Daddy (He knows the difference between M&D's cell phones, the difference between his tools and daddy's tools, etc.)

Favorite Shows-
Fresh Beat Band (and loves to say it as well)
Sesame Street
America's Funniest Videos

Favorite Things to Do-
*Loves to go bye-bye
*Play ball with Junior
*Play outside in general - he can't get enough and gets so mad when you make him come inside
*Loves to get Daddy's hats and shoes out of the closet and play dress-up
*Loves to put on his safety goggles and have you put on a pair too (let me tell you how hard it is to do anything with these smudged up goggles on....oh the fun things in life!)
*I wouldn't say favorite but he does like to help clean - he'll get out his little Dyson to help sweep and he'll help dust (can you tell mommy is spring cleaning :) )

Baking 101

When I was shopping on Saturday (A much needed mommy only shopping day thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Chapman) I couldn't resist and picked Hunter up these pretend play and bake cookie and pizza sets and we have had the best time playing with them -

"Baking" the cookies

Serving the cookies....

Pizza Time:


Family Fun Night

Last Wednesdday night we decided to make it a family night and grabbed a pizza and headed to the local "Fun Barn" (basically a huge gameroom facility w/ a movie theater) and had a great time with Hunter: