Fall Baking

Hunter is having a Halloween Party at the sitters so I decided that we should bake cookies for him to take -

before we started and Hunter noticing daddy has a sucker in his mouth...

and now Hunter doesn't want to help he just wants the sucker...

Daddy caved and gave him the sucker...back to being happy and ready to help :)

This is cool!

OMG! Look what that thing does...wait dad I'm bringing mine over to help...

hmm...maybe not as fun as I thought...

lets go back to the mixer...

Fresh out of the oven...

and so the icing begins...

let me just take a quick bite while mom & dad are busy icing...

totally caught (smile - they will remember how cute I am and forgive me)

notice the crossing of the legs....he does this all the time :)

the finished product

packaged and ready to go!